Welcome to the wonderful world of 'Snosox! This journey began in 1987 while my family and I were living in Bucks County, PA. It was through the local "Welcome Wagon" that I met three women who shared my genuine interest in crafting. At the time, we were all "stay at home" moms looking for ways to make some extra money for the holidays. As a result, we soon decided to start participating in craft shows in and around the NJ/PA area. We each had a table and craft of our own, the latter running the gamut from dried flower arrangements to calligraphy, fabric-painted clothing and, finally, to holiday-themed ornaments and crafts. One year, in the early 90s, I came up with a simple version of a snowman couple made from a tube sock. At the time, I did not apply tint to them at all but rather used the white socks as they appeared directly from the packaging. The original "man" had a red tie, while the "woman" had a red lace collar. To my surprise, they sold out right away! I ended up making them in the same fashion for a few years until, in 1994, I decided to sell them as individual snowmen designed from socks stained in tea. My family soon settled on the 'Snosox name, which is essentially short for "it's no sock"! When 1995 rolled around, my husband came up with the idea of creating a different model every year...and here we are 31 years later!!!